Dear Friends,
the Dynare team wishes you a very happy new year! Here are some news:
* the 6th DYNARE CONFERENCE will be hosted by the Bank of Finland
in Helsinki, June 3-4, 2010. Plenary speakers will be Fabio Canova
and Tom Sargent. The call for paper is available at Deadline for
submission: February 15, 2010.
* the DYNARE SUMMER SCHOOL will take place in Paris, June 28-July2,
2010. Roger Farmer will be guest lecturer. Details are available
Deadline for application: March 31, 2010.
* the 16th International Conference on Computing in Economics and
Finance, will take place at the City University of London, July
15-18, 2010. As previous year, we will organize DSGE modeling
sessions. If you want to participate assign your submission to
Michel Juillard. Details for the Conference are available at Deadline for submissions:
January 31, 2010
* We have released Dynare 4.1.0.The most noticeable new features are:
* Third order approximation of stochastic models
* Faster computation of deterministic simulations and steady state
on big models (using block decomposition)
* Support of estimation with missing observations (/i.e./ some
variables may not have observable data at all periods)
* Incorporation of the Anderson-Moore Algorithm (AIM)
<> to
compute the decision rules, as an option
* Leads and lags are now allowed on exogenous variables
* New operator to specify steady state value of a variable inside
the model
* New operator to take the expectancy of a variable at another date
than the current one
* Possibility of creating a LaTeX output file containing the model
All users are therefore strongly encouraged to upgrade to this new
version. More details at
* During 2009, we have migrated the server to
Notice that the download section has changed and that "News" and
"Events" are now in two separate sections of the web site.
1) The 15th International Conference on Computing in Economics and
Finance takes place in Sydney, Jul 15--17, 2009. See
We will organize sessions on DSGE models and Dynare modeling. Please
submit you abstract with a description of the computational content of
your paper BEFORE January 31st at…
On the eve of the conference, on July 13th, there will be a one day
Dynare workshop (free of charge for conference participants)
2) Computational Management Science Conference, Geneva, May 1-3, 2009.
We will try to organize one or two session on DSGE modeling. If you are
interested in participating, please send me an abstract.
All the best,