Dear Dynare users,
Please find below the list of the first papers added to the Dynare
Working Papers series.
If you want to add your paper to the series, instructions on how to
proceed are on:
Summary of contents:
#9: Getting Normalization Right: Dealing with ‘Dimensional Constants’ in Macroeconomics
Cristiano Cantore, Paul Levine
#8: Indirect Likelihood Inference
Michael Creel, Dennis Kristensen
#7: Évaluation de la politique monétaire dans un modèle DSGE pour la zone euro
Stéphane Adjemian, Antoine Devulder
#6: Taking Perturbation to the Accuracy Frontier: A Hybrid of Local and Global Solutions
Lilia Maliar, Serguei Maliar, Sébastien Villemot
#5: Switching Monetary Policy Regimes and the Nominal Term Structure
Marcelo Ferman
#4: Products, patents and productivity persistence: A DSGE model of endogenous growth
Tom Holden
#3: A Graphical Representation of an Estimated DSGE Model
Mariano Kulish, Callum Jones
#2: Solving rational expectations models at first order: what Dynare does
Sébastien Villemot
#1: Dynare: Reference Manual, Version 4
Stéphane Adjemian, Houtan Bastani, Michel Juillard, Ferhat Mihoubi, George Perendia, Marco Ratto, Sébastien Villemot
#9: Getting Normalization Right: Dealing with ‘Dimensional Constants’ in Macroeconomics
By: Cristiano Cantore
Paul Levine
Date: 2011-07
We contribute to a recent literature on the normalization,
calibration and estimation of CES production functions. The problem arises
because CES ‘share’ parameters are not in fact shares, but depend on
underlying dimensions - they are ‘dimensional constants’ in other words. It
follows that such parameters cannot be calibrated, nor estimated unless the
choice of units is made explicit. We use an RBC model to demonstrate two
equivalent solutions. The standard one expresses the production function in
deviation form about some reference point, usually the steady state of the
model. Our alternative, ‘re-parametrization’, expresses dimensional constants
in terms of a new dimensionless (share) parameter and all remaining
dimensionless ones. We show that our ‘re-parametrization’ method is equivalent
and arguably more straightforward than the standard normalization in deviation
form. We then examine a similar problem of dimensional constants for CES
utility functions in a two-sector model and in a small open economy model;
then re-parametrization is the only solution to the problem, showing that our
approach is in fact more general.
#8: Indirect Likelihood Inference
By: Michael Creel
Dennis Kristensen
Date: 2011-07
Given a sample from a fully specified parametric model, let $Z_n$ be
a given finite-dimensional statistic - for example, an initial estimator or a
set of sample moments. We propose to (re-)estimate the parameters of the
model by maximizing the likelihood of $Z_n$. We call this the maximum indirect
likelihood (MIL) estimator. We also propose a com- putationally tractable
Bayesian version of the estimator which we refer to as a Bayesian Indirect
Likelihood (BIL) estimator. In most cases, the density of the statistic will
be of unknown form, and we develop simulated versions of the MIL and BIL
estimators. We show that the indirect likelihood estimators are consistent and
asymptotically normally distributed, with the same asymptotic variance as that
of the corresponding efficient two-step GMM estimator based on the same
statistic. However, our likelihood-based estimators, by taking into account
the full finite-sample distribution of the statistic, are higher order
efficient relative to GMM-type estimators. Furthermore, in many cases they
enjoy a bias reduction property similar to that of the indirect inference
estimator. Monte Carlo results for a number of applications including dynamic
and nonlinear panel data models, a structural auction model and two DSGE
models show that the proposed estimators indeed have attractive finite
sample properties.
#7: Évaluation de la politique monétaire dans un modèle DSGE pour la zone euro
By: Stéphane Adjemian
Antoine Devulder
Date: 2011-05
Dans cet article nous présentons de façon détaillée un modèle DSGE
canonique et montrons comment celui-ci peut être simulé puis estimé. Nous
proposons deux applications sur la base du modèle estimé. Dans la première
nous évaluons les conséquences sur le bien être social de la forme de la
politique monétaire. On montre que le bien être social est significativement
dégradé si la Banque Centrale ne prend pas en compte l’écart de
production. Dans la seconde, nous interrogeons le modèle sur la publicité que
la Banque Centrale doit faire autour de sa politique. Nous montrons que face à
un choc de productivité négatif il est préférable de ne pas annoncer une
politique monétaire accommodante, afin de limiter l’ampleur des
tensions inflationnistes.
#6: Taking Perturbation to the Accuracy Frontier: A Hybrid of Local and Global Solutions
By: Lilia Maliar
Serguei Maliar
Sébastien Villemot
Date: 2011-05
Perturbation methods produce solutions of lower accuracy than global
Euler equation-based methods. In the present paper, we implement a hybrid
method that solves for some policy functions locally (using standard
perturbation) and solves for the other policy functions globally (using
closed-form expressions and a numerical solver). Our hybrid method extends the
current speed-accuracy frontier: for a multi-country RBC model used for
comparing numerical methods in a special 2011 issue of the JEDC, we attain
higher accuracy of solutions than any other method participating in the
comparison analysis. Our solutions are computed with the help of Dynare, and
the programs are publicly available.
#5: Switching Monetary Policy Regimes and the Nominal Term Structure
By: Marcelo Ferman
Date: 2011-05
This paper builds a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE)
model of endogenous growth that is capable of generating substantial degrees
of endogenous persistence in productivity. When products go out of patent
protection, the rush of entry into their production destroys incentives for
process improvements. Consequently, old production processes are enshrined in
industries producing non-protected products, resulting in aggregate
productivity persistence. Our model also generates sizeable delayed movements
in productivity in response to preference shocks, providing a form of
endogenous news shock. Finally, if we calibrate our model to match a high
aggregate mark-up then we can replicate the negative response of hours to a
positive technology shock, even without the inclusion of any frictions.
#4: Products, patents and productivity persistence: A DSGE model of endogenous growth
By: Tom Holden
Date: 2011-05
This paper builds a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE)
model of endogenous growth that is capable of generating substantial degrees
of endogenous persistence in productivity. When products go out of patent
protection, the rush of entry into their production destroys incentives for
process improvements. Consequently, old production processes are enshrined in
industries producing non-protected products, resulting in aggregate
productivity persistence. Our model also generates sizeable delayed movements
in productivity in response to preference shocks, providing a form of
endogenous news shock. Finally, if we calibrate our model to match a high
aggregate mark-up then we can replicate the negative response of hours to a
positive technology shock, even without the inclusion of any frictions.
#3: A Graphical Representation of an Estimated DSGE Model
By: Mariano Kulish
Callum Jones
Date: 2011-05
We write a New Keynesian model as an aggregate demand curve and an
aggregate supply curve, relating inflation to output growth. The graphical
representation shows how structural shocks move aggregate demand and supply
simultaneously. We estimate the curves on US data from 1948 to 2010. The Great
Recession in 2008-09 is explained by a collapse of aggregate demand driven by
adverse preference and permanent technology shocks, and expectations of
low inflation.
#2: Solving rational expectations models at first order: what Dynare does
By: Sébastien Villemot
Date: 2011-04
This paper describes in detail the algorithm implemented in Dynare
for computing the first order approximated solution of a nonlinear rational
expectations model. The core of the algorithm is a generalized Schur
decomposition (also known as the QZ decomposition), as advocated by several
authors in the litterature. The contribution of the present paper is to focus
on implementation details that make the algorithm more generic and more
efficient, especially for large models.
#1: Dynare: Reference Manual, Version 4
By: Stéphane Adjemian
Houtan Bastani
Michel Juillard
Ferhat Mihoubi
George Perendia
Marco Ratto
Sébastien Villemot
Date: 2011-04
Dynare is a software platform for handling a wide class of economic
models, in particular dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) and
overlapping generations (OLG) models. The models solved by Dynare include
those relying on the rational expectations hypothesis, wherein agents form
their expectations about the future in a way consistent with the model. But
Dynare is also able to handle models where expectations are
formed differently: on one extreme, models where agents perfectly anticipate
the future; on the other extreme, models where agents have limited rationality
or imperfect knowledge of the state of the economy and, hence, form their
expectations through a learning process. Dynare offers a user-friendly and
intuitive way of describing these models. It is able to perform simulations of
the model given a calibration of the model parameters and is also able to
estimate these parameters given a dataset. Dynare is a free software, which
means that it can be downloaded free of charge, that its source code is freely
available, and that it can be used for both non-profit and
for-profit purposes.
Sébastien Villemot
Researcher in Economics at CEPREMAP & Debian Maintainer
Phone: +33-1-40-77-49-90 - GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594
Dear Dynare users,
We are pleased to announce the release of Dynare 4.2.1.
Many bugs have been fixed since the previous release. The reference
manual has also been improved: new contents has been added at various
places, the structure has been improved, an index of functions and
variables has been added, the PDF/HTML rendering has been improved.
The Windows package is already available for download at the official
Dynare website [1]. The Mac and Linux packages should follow soon.
All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
This release is compatible with MATLAB versions ranging from 7.0 (R14)
to 7.12 (R2011a) and with GNU Octave versions ranging from 3.0 to 3.4.
Here is a list of the main bugfixes since version 4.2.0:
* The `STEADY_STATE' operator has been fixed
* Problems with MATLAB 7.3 (R2006b) and older have been fixed
* The `partial_information' option of `stoch_simul' has been fixed
* Option `conditional_variance_decomposition' of `stoch_simul' and
`estimation' has been fixed
* Automatic detrending now works in conjunction with the `EXPECTATION'
* Percentage signs inside strings in MATLAB statements (like disp('%
This is not a comment %')) now work
* Beta prior with a very small standard deviation now work even if you
do not have the MATLAB Statistical toolbox
* External functions can now been used in assignment of model local
* `identification' command has been fixed
* Option `cova_compute' of `estimation' command has been fixed
* Random crashes with 3rd order approximation without `use_dll' option
have been eliminated
On behalf of the Dynare team,
Sébastien Villemot
CEPREMAP - Paris School of Economics
Landline phone: +33 1 40 77 49 90
SIP phone: sebastien.villemot(a)
PGP Key: 0xA6C029B9D06B2913D71C105EBE37E801FB6EFF8B (
Dear all,
The 7th annual DYNARE Conference ( will be held in
Atlanta on September 9-10, 2011.
The conference is organized by the Center for Quantitative Economic
Research (CQER) at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta together with
DSGE-net and the Dynare project at CEPREMAP.
The DYNARE conference will feature the work of the leading scholars in
dynamic macroeconomic modeling and provide an excellent opportunity to
present your own research results.
Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago) and Giorgio Primiceri
(Northwestern University) will be plenary speakers.
Submission of the papers focusing on the following issues is encouraged:
- Model uncertainty and optimal policy;
- Imperfect information and learning;
- Model and parameter identification;
- Occasionally binding financial constraints.
The list is not all-inclusive. Submissions of papers dealing with
different aspects of DSGE modelling and computational methods are all
welcome. Submissions of papers using other software tools than DYNARE or
theoretical contributions are also encouraged.
Complete manuscripts or detailed abstracts should be sent in PDF format
to Hanane Bahala at the following address: hanane.bahala(a)
Deadline for submissions is May 15, 2010. Authors of accepted papers
will be informed by June 1, 2011.
- Michel Juillard (Bank of France);
- Daniel Waggoner (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta);
- Tao Zha (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Emory University).
We apologize for multiple posting.
Sébastien Villemot
CEPREMAP - Paris School of Economics
Landline phone: +33 1 40 77 49 90
SIP phone: sebastien.villemot(a)
PGP Key: 0xA6C029B9D06B2913D71C105EBE37E801FB6EFF8B (
Dear all,
The Dynare team is pleased to announce the creation of the Dynare
Working Papers series [1]. The Dynare Working Papers series is intended
for the following kind of contributions:
* methodological papers related to current or forthcoming Dynare
* papers in quantitative macroeconomics whose results (or portion
thereof) have been obtained with the help of Dynare.
Authors are encouraged to submit papers falling into one of the two
aforementioned categories, even if they have already been published in
another working papers series. Note that contributions not directly
related to Dynare, but still pertaining to the fields of numerical
methods or of quantitative macroeconomics, are also welcome.
Submissions should be sent by e-mail to: wp(a) We commit
ourselves to giving a fast and fair editorial decision, but please
forgive us if you do not receive a full-fledged referee report in
The goal of this series being state of the art dissemination, the source
code of computer programs used in the paper should also be included in
the submission (this covers Dynare MOD files and/or any other program,
whether written in MATLAB, Octave, Fortran, C, C++, etc). If the
submission is accepted, the source code will be made publicly available
on our website.
Papers and codes published in the series are automatically added to the
RePEc [2] database.
We are waiting for your contributions!
Stéphane and Sébastien.
Dear Dynare users,
We are pleased to announce that the Dynare Summer School will be organized in Paris from June 20 to June 24, 2011.
Holiday Inn Express
68 quai de la seine,
75019 Paris
Details are given on Dynare's website:
Best, Stéphane.
Stéphane Adjemian
Université du Maine, GAINS & CEPREMAP
Dear Dynare users,
We are pleased to announce the release of Dynare 4.2.0.
This major release adds new features and fixes various bugs.
The Windows package is already available for download. The Mac and Linux
packages should follow soon.
All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
This release is compatible with MATLAB versions ranging from 6.5 (R13) to 7.11
(R2010b) and with GNU Octave versions 3.0.x and 3.2.x (support for GNU Octave
3.4.x is not complete and will be added in the next minor release).
Here is the list of major user-visible changes:
* New solution algorithms:
- Pruning for second order simulations has been added, as described in Kim,
Kim, Schaumburg and Sims (2008) [1,2]
- Models under partial information can be solved, as in Pearlman, Currie and
Levine (1986) [3,4]
- New nonlinear solvers for faster deterministic simulations and steady state
computation [5]
* Dynare can now use the power of multi-core computers or of a cluster of
computer using parallelization [6]
* New features in the user interface:
- A steady state file can now be automatically generated, provided that the
model can be solved analytically, and that the steady state as a function
of the parameters is declared with the new "steady_state_model" command [7]
- For non-stationary models, Dynare is now able of automatically removing
trends in all the equations: the user writes the equations in
non-stationary form and declares the deflator of each variable. Then Dynare
perform a check to determine if the proposed deflators are compatible with
balanced growth path, and, if yes, then it computes the detrended equations
- It is now possible to use arbitrary functions in the model block [9]
* Other minor changes to the user interface:
- New primitives allowed in model block: normpdf(), erf()
- New syntax for DSGE-VAR [10]
- Syntax of deterministic shocks has changed: after the values keyword,
arbitrary expressions must be enclosed within parentheses (but numeric
constants are still accepted as is)
* Various improvements:
- Third order simulations now work without the "USE_DLL" option:
installing a C++ compiler is no longer necessary for 3rd order
- The HP filter works for empirical moments (previously it was only available
for theoretical moments)
- "ramsey_policy" now displays the planner objective value function under
Ramsey policy and stores it in "oo_.planner_objective_value"
- Estimation: if the "selected_variables_only" option is present, then the
smoother will only be run on variables listed just after the estimation
- Estimation: in the "shocks" block, it is now possible to calibrate
measurement errors on endogenous variables (using the same keywords than
for calibrating variance/covariance matrix of exogenous shocks)
- It is possibile to choose the parameter set for shock decomposition [11]
- The diffuse filter now works under Octave
- New option "console" on the Dynare command-line: use it when running Dynare
from the console, it will replace graphical waitbars by text waitbars for
long computations
- Steady option "solve_algo=0" (uses fsolve()) now works under Octave
* For Emacs users:
- New Dynare mode for Emacs editor (contributed by Yannick Kalantzis)
- Reference manual now available in Info format (distributed with
Debian/Ubuntu packages)
* Miscellaneous:
- Deterministic models: leads and lags of two or more on endogenous
variables are now substituted by auxiliary variables; exogenous variables
are left as is [12]
[1] Kim, J., S. Kim, E. Schaumburg and C.A. Sims (2008), "Calculating and using
second-order accurate solutions of discrete time dynamic equilibrium
models", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32(11), 3397-3414
[2] It is triggered by option "pruning" of "stoch_simul" (only 2nd order, not
available at 3rd order)
[3] Pearlman J., D. Currie and P. Levine (1986), "Rational expectations models
with partial information", Economic Modelling, 3(2), 90-105
[7] See the entry for "steady_state_model" in the reference manual for more
details and an example
On behalf of the Dynare team,
Sébastien Villemot
CEPREMAP - Paris School of Economics
Landline phone: +33 1 40 77 49 90
SIP phone: sebastien.villemot(a)
PGP Key: 0xA6C029B9D06B2913D71C105EBE37E801FB6EFF8B (
The European Research (FP7) project MONFISPOL (, to
which Dynare is associated, is organizing a workshop on Optimal Monetary
and Fiscal Policy in Stresa, Italy, on March 11 and 12, 2010.
The program includes:
* E. Faia and R. Winkler "Fiscal policy with Search and Matching
* A. Marcet TBA
* N. Iskrev and M. Ratto "Identification in DSGE models"
* P. Levine and J. Pearlman "Endogenous Persistence in an Estimated
DSGE model under Imperfect Information"
* S. Schmidt "A New Comparative Approach to Macroeconomic Modeling
and Policy Analysis: Current State"
* M. Juillard " Computing Optimal Policy with Dynare"
Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees
Corso Umberto I, 67
28838 Stresa
Transportation from Malpensa Airport will be arranged.
People interested in participating to the workshop should contact
with kind regards,
Dear Friends,
the Dynare team wishes you a very happy new year! Here are some news:
* the 6th DYNARE CONFERENCE will be hosted by the Bank of Finland
in Helsinki, June 3-4, 2010. Plenary speakers will be Fabio Canova
and Tom Sargent. The call for paper is available at Deadline for
submission: February 15, 2010.
* the DYNARE SUMMER SCHOOL will take place in Paris, June 28-July2,
2010. Roger Farmer will be guest lecturer. Details are available
Deadline for application: March 31, 2010.
* the 16th International Conference on Computing in Economics and
Finance, will take place at the City University of London, July
15-18, 2010. As previous year, we will organize DSGE modeling
sessions. If you want to participate assign your submission to
Michel Juillard. Details for the Conference are available at Deadline for submissions:
January 31, 2010
* We have released Dynare 4.1.0.The most noticeable new features are:
* Third order approximation of stochastic models
* Faster computation of deterministic simulations and steady state
on big models (using block decomposition)
* Support of estimation with missing observations (/i.e./ some
variables may not have observable data at all periods)
* Incorporation of the Anderson-Moore Algorithm (AIM)
<> to
compute the decision rules, as an option
* Leads and lags are now allowed on exogenous variables
* New operator to specify steady state value of a variable inside
the model
* New operator to take the expectancy of a variable at another date
than the current one
* Possibility of creating a LaTeX output file containing the model
All users are therefore strongly encouraged to upgrade to this new
version. More details at
* During 2009, we have migrated the server to
Notice that the download section has changed and that "News" and
"Events" are now in two separate sections of the web site.
1) The 15th International Conference on Computing in Economics and
Finance takes place in Sydney, Jul 15--17, 2009. See
We will organize sessions on DSGE models and Dynare modeling. Please
submit you abstract with a description of the computational content of
your paper BEFORE January 31st at…
On the eve of the conference, on July 13th, there will be a one day
Dynare workshop (free of charge for conference participants)
2) Computational Management Science Conference, Geneva, May 1-3, 2009.
We will try to organize one or two session on DSGE modeling. If you are
interested in participating, please send me an abstract.
All the best,