8. Examples

Dynare comes with a database of example .mod files, which are designed to show a broad range of Dynare features, and are taken from academic papers for most of them. You should have these files in the examples subdirectory of your distribution.

Here is a short list of the examples included. For a more complete description, please refer to the comments inside the files themselves.


An elementary real business cycle (RBC) model, simulated in a deterministic setup.

example1.mod example2.mod

Two examples of a small RBC model in a stochastic setup, presented in Collard (2001) (see the file guide.pdf which comes with Dynare).


A small RBC model in a stochastic setup, presented in Collard (2001). The steady state is solved analytically using the steady_state_model block (see steady_state_model).


A cash in advance model, estimated by Schorfheide (2000). The file shows how to use Dynare for estimation.


The same model than fs2000.mod, but written in non-stationary form. Detrending of the equations is done by Dynare.


Multi-country RBC model with time to build, presented in Backus, Kehoe and Kydland (1992). The file shows how to use Dynare’s macro processor.


Small open economy RBC model with shocks to the growth trend, presented in Aguiar and Gopinath (2004).


Basic New Keynesian model of Galí (2015), Chapter 3 showing how to i) use “system prior”-type prior restrictions as in Andrle and Plašil (2018) and ii) run prior/posterior-functions.


Baseline New Keynesian Model estimated in Fernández-Villaverde (2010). It demonstrates how to use an explicit steady state file to update parameters and call a numerical solver.


RBC model with two occasionally binding constraints. Demonstrates how to set up Occbin.


File demonstrating how to conduct optimal policy experiments in a simple New Keynesian model either under commitment (Ramsey) or using optimal simple rules (OSR)


File demonstrating how to conduct optimal policy experiments in a simple New Keynesian model under commitment (Ramsey) with a user-defined conditional steady state file


Baseline RBC model with government spending shocks estimated via impulse response function (IRF) matching. Both Frequentist (Maximum Likelihood) and Bayesian (Slice Sampling) approaches are presented. Additionally, it is shown how to estimate an AR(2)-process by working with the roots of the autoregressive process instead of the coefficients