Dear Friends,
The 14th Dynare Conference ( will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, at the European Central Bank, on July 5-6, 2018. The conference is organized by the European Central Bank together with Banque de France, the Dynare Project at CEPREMAP and DSGE-net.
The DYNARE conference will feature the work of leading scholars in dynamic macroeconomic modeling and provide an excellent opportunity to present your own research results.
Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé (Columbia University) and Peter Karadi (ECB) will be plenary speakers.
Submissions of papers dealing with different aspects of DSGE modeling and computational methods are all welcome. Papers using other software tools than DYNARE or theoretical contributions are also encouraged.
Paper submission procedure: please submit a complete manuscript or a detailed abstract in PDF format at If you don't have already an account on the server, you will need to create one.
Deadline for submission is March 30, 2018. Authors of accepted papers will be informed by April 20, 2018.
Accepted papers will be considered for publication in the Dynare Working Papers series ( conditional on the agreement of the submitter. Note that publication in the Dynare WP doesn't prohibit submission to another working paper series.
Conference Organizers: Ivan Jaccard (ECB), Anton Nakov (ECB), Sebastien Schmidt (ECB), Michel Juillard (Banque de France).