Dear all, The 16th annual Dynare Conference will be held in person at the Lancaster University, ( UK from 30th June to 1st July 2022.
The conference is organized by the Department of Economics of Lancaster University Management School (LUMS), together with Banque de France, DSGE-net, and the Dynare project at CEPREMAP.
Keynote speakers of this conference edition will be Jan Eeckhout ( (University of Pompeu Fabra) and Silvana Tenreyro ( (London School of Economics, Bank of England). Both the Keynote speakers will hold plenary sessions.
All papers should be submitted electronically using our submission form ( no later than midnight UK time on 6th March 2022.
Important dates: * 6th March 2022: deadline for paper submissions * 15th April 2022: authors of accepted papers will be informed The Dynare conference will feature the work of leading scholars in dynamic macroeconomic modeling and provide an excellent opportunity to present your research results.
Topics of this conference edition will focus on: * Heterogeneity in households, firms, information, expectations, banks, housing, and financial intermediaries * Structural Changes due to Market Power, Automation, Digitalization, Productivity * Monetary and Fiscal Policies in models with Disaster Shocks, Covid Shock, Uncertainty Shocks. Inequality, Non-linearities, and Asymmetries. * Submissions of papers dealing with different aspects of General Equilibrium modeling and computational methods are also welcomed. Papers using software tools other than Dynare and theoretical contributions are also encouraged. Accepted papers will be automatically considered for publication in the Dynare Working Paper series ( conditional on the agreement of the submitter. Note that publication in the Dynare Working Paper series does not prohibit submission to another working paper series.
More information is available on the conference website ( For any requests please contact (
Previous Conference: * Dynare Conference, University of Lausanne, Switzerland 2019 ( Scientific Commitee: * Stéphane Adjemian, ( Université du Maine * Stefano Fasani, ( Lancaster University Management School * Michel Juillard, ( Banque de France, * Giorgio Motta, ( Lancaster University Management School * Willi Mutschler, ( University of Tuebingen * Efthymios Pavlidis, ( Lancaster University Management School * Johannes Pfeifer, ( Universität der Bundeswehr München * Lorenza Rossi, ( Lancaster University Management School Local Organizers at LUMS:
Teresa Aldren, Stefano Fasani, Giorgio Motta, Efthymios Pavlidis, Lorenza Rossi, Caren Wareing