Dear Friends,
I'm forwarding the call for papers for CEF 2013 in Vancouver. Apologizes to those of you have already received it.
Papers dealing with original usage of Dynare can be submitted to Mathias Trabandt.
All the best,
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
19TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE (CEF 2013) Presented by the Society for Computational Economics Sponsored by Simon Fraser University July 10 through 12, 2013 – Vancouver, BC Canada
The 19th Annual Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF 2013) will take place at the Sheraton Wall Centre Hotel in Vancouver, BC Canada from Wednesday, July 10 through Friday, July 12, 2013. The program will cover all areas dealing with the computational aspects (broadly defined) of economics, finance, and decision making.
Program Committee Co-Chairs Kenneth Kasa, Simon Fraser University - Canada Paul Klein, Simon Fraser University - Canada
Program Committee Robert Amano, Bank of Canada - Canada Mikhail Anufriev, University of Technology, Sydney - Australia William Branch, University of California, Irvine - USA Shu-Heng Chen, National Chengchi University - Taiwan Ramo Gençay, Simon Fraser University - Canada Viktoria Hnatkovska, University of British Columbia - Canada Cars Hommes, University of Amsterdam/CeNDEF - The Netherlands Blake LeBaron, Brandeis University - USA Yulei Luo, University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong SAR Thomas Lux, Universität Kiel - Germany Bruce Mizrach, Rutgers University - USA Makoto Nakajima, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia - USA Kristoffer Nimark, Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Spain Michael Reiter, Institute for Advanced Studies - Austria John Stachurski, Australian National University - Australia Irina Telyukova, University of California San Diego - USA Bart Taub, Durham University - UK Mathias Trabandt, Federal Reserve Board of Governors - USA
Plenary Speakers John C. Williams President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Jesús Fernández-Villaverde Professor of Economics University of Pennsylvania
William A. Brock Vilas Research Professor of Economics University of Wisconsin Professor of Economics University of Missouri
Submissions You are invited to submit a paper. Completed manuscripts or extended abstracts can be submitted electronically via Conference Maker at
During submission you will be prompted to select a topic area from list below which best describes the subject of your paper. Joint-authored papers should be submitted by the author who is planning to present the paper. Presenters will be limited to one paper each.
Main Topic Areas Agent-based modeling Artificial/experimental markets Asset pricing Computational methods Dynamic games DSGE/business cycle modeling Economic dynamics Development and growth Finance and financial crises Fiscal policy Heterogeneous-agent modeling Inflation dynamics Learning and evolutionary economics Macro theory Market structure Monetary policy Monte Carlo methods Open-economy models and international macro Optimal and robust control Optimization and solution methods Search and labor markets Time series models Volatility modeling
Deadlines Abstract submissions must be received on or before February 15, 2013 Authors of accepted papers will be notified by April 1, 2013 Registration for accepted papers must be completed and paid by May 15, 2013 Full papers should be uploaded to Conference Maker by June 1, 2013
Pre-Conference Workshops Details will be announced on the conference website.
Student Prizes The SCE sponsors cash prizes for the best graduate student paper presented at the Conference. Details for eligibility and submission procedure are posted on the conference website. Deadline for entry of complete paper is March 15, 2013.
Registration and Conference Information All presenters, including those whose papers have been invited or solicited by members of the program committee, will be expected to register and pay fees to attend the conference. Details concerning the conference, including instructions for registration and hotel reservations, etc., will be posted on the conference website as information becomes available. Please visit the website for updated information, or direct your questions via email to
Please distribute this announcement to potential participants.