I have just installed a Trac for Dynare, available at the adresse: http://www.dynare.org/trac
Trac is a project management software. It helps developers to deal with bugs, features to be added, deadlines, ...
The basic item is a "ticket". A ticket is typically a bug report, or a feature to be added. The ticket is closed once the bug is fixed, or the feature is implemented. Users can spawn a discussion on a ticket. A ticket can be assigned: * a priority level * a type (bug, feature...) * a component (the part of Dynare to which it relates: the preprocessor, the core M-files, such DLL, the doc...) * a milestone (to be done for Dynare 4.1, for Dynare 4.2) * an owner (the person who is responsible for fixing the bug or adding the feature) * a version (4.0.1, 4.0.2, ...) (only useful for bug reports)
I have already added some tickets, corresponding to the main release goals for Dynare 4.1, which is planned for the end of september. See "View tickets".
The "Roadmap" lists the future milestones, currently 4.1 and 4.2. For each milestone, there is a deadline, and also the percentage of the tickets assigned to that milestone that have been closed.
You can also browse the subversion repository through "Browse source".
The "Timeline" lists all the recent changes (including SVN commits). You can syndicate to this timeline in your favorite RSS aggregator.
Finally there is a wiki, which is a little bit redundant with the already existing DynareWiki. We may decide not to use it, or we may use it only for development specific stuff, and dedicate the other wiki to public documentation and other Dynare-related stuff.
In order to add/modify tickets or wiki pages you need to be logged in. The usernames and password are exactly the same than for the SVN repository of Dynare.
Please don't hesitate to add new tickets for the bugs you discover, or for the features you plan to add. Also please take ownership of existing tickets if you plan to deal with them. At a later date we may allow user to open tickets for bug reports, if we think we can avoid useless or wrong bug reports.
Just to let you know that I have moved the URL for Trac to our secure web server, for security reasons.
The address is now:
(the same as before, except that http:// is replaced by https://)
I have just changed the configuration of Trac, so that all changes to tickets are notified to our mailing list. I think this is useful, because otherwise we may miss things, but if it generates too much traffic I will disable it.