Dear all,
The 7th annual DYNARE Conference ( will be held in Atlanta on September 9-10, 2011.
The conference is organized by the Center for Quantitative Economic Research (CQER) at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta together with DSGE-net and the Dynare project at CEPREMAP.
The DYNARE conference will feature the work of the leading scholars in dynamic macroeconomic modeling and provide an excellent opportunity to present your own research results.
Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago) and Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University) will be plenary speakers.
Submission of the papers focusing on the following issues is encouraged: - Model uncertainty and optimal policy; - Imperfect information and learning; - Model and parameter identification; - Occasionally binding financial constraints.
The list is not all-inclusive. Submissions of papers dealing with different aspects of DSGE modelling and computational methods are all welcome. Submissions of papers using other software tools than DYNARE or theoretical contributions are also encouraged.
Complete manuscripts or detailed abstracts should be sent in PDF format to Hanane Bahala at the following address:
Deadline for submissions is May 15, 2010. Authors of accepted papers will be informed by June 1, 2011.
Organizers: - Michel Juillard (Bank of France); - Daniel Waggoner (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta); - Tao Zha (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Emory University).
We apologize for multiple posting.