In order to prepare the release of Dynare 4.3, I created a wiki page listing the release goals:
As explained on the page, the goal is to have that new version ready for June, which means that features must be implemented (and documented!) by May (in order to have some time for testing).
Please complete the page by adding goals that may be missing and by indicating expected completion dates. I did not include all works in progress (e.g. accuracy checks, extended path, global methods, estimation DLL) because I am not sure they will be ready for the deadline, but feel free to add it if you think they will. Conversely, please remove any goal that is on the list but that won't be ready for the release.
I also would like to organise a "bug squashing party" (BSP) in order to tackle the large number of tickets that we have in Trac. The idea is to get as many of us to work on the same day on fixing these tickets in a collaborative way. No need to meet in real life, we will coordinate online via iRC (Internet Relay Chat).
The advantage of a BSP this is twofold:
* it creates a commitment which forces us to allocate some time to fixing these (sometimes very old) tickets
* many tickets require the interaction of several members of the team in order to get fixed, and a live discussion is much faster than email
So please go the Doodle page that I set up, and indicate at which dates you would be available for that BSP:
We will choose the date which has the greatest number of positive answers.