While developing the code for approximation around the stochastic steady-state, I have designed a new organization of the various functions solving models at 1st, 2nd and 3rd order. This work is maintained in a branch called "dr1break". This branch includes all the changes made until now to "master"
Details of the changes to the solution functions are described on the wiki http://www.dynare.org/DynareWiki/BreakingDr1. The current state of the branch is near the top of the page.
I would like to merge this branch in "master" so as add the approximation around the risky steadystate to Dynare unstable, but I want to check and inform you first because very important functions such as dr1.m are renamed and modified. Note also that the reorganization work is not totally achieved, as mentioned on the wiki page.
Please, let me know what you think.