Hi Johannes,
I do not receive integration tests reports for Octave since ages... I don't know why. Before the disappearance of the reports we had some failing tests, it would be nice to fix them. The difficulty with the Octave testsuite is that it often never ends. Some mod files, not always the same, run forever. I am convinced that this is not a bug in these files but rather a consequence of the memory leaks Ferhat has to fix in bytecode.
@all We have now three pages on Dynare's Github/wiki:
- KnownBugs, for the non fixed bugs in the current stable.
- FixedBugs, for the fixed bugs, to be published in the next release of the stable or the next major release,
- NewFeatures, for documenting the new features to be published in the the next major release.
The corresponding pages on Dynare's MoinMoin wiki are frozen. In the FixedBug page, which I copy/paste from the updated NEWS file, I lost the external links to the Github issues (which are still available in the MoinMoin wiki). This is annoying and has to be fixed, but will take some time... Which I don't have right now.
You can clone the wiki pages locally:
git clone git@github.com:DynareTeam/dynare.wiki.git
modify the markdown files and push the patches on Github. There is a package called Gollum:
that will ease the development of the wiki pages, by allowing you to look at the results of your patches locally before committing and pushing on Gthub.