Dear Michel and Sébastien,


currently Dynare substitutes exogenous lags and leads and adds equations. In the attached mod-file (ignore the complex parameter values which are the true problem for now), there are 12 endogenous variables. The preprocessor now says “Substitution of exo leads: added 3 auxiliary variables and equations.”


Running model_diagnostics delivers:


model_diagnostic: the Jacobian of the static model is singular

there is 1 colinear relationships between the variables and the equations

Colinear variables:









Colinear equations

     8    14


But originally, there are only 12 equations. Is there a certain rule where the auxiliary equations are included? Are they simply appended at the end so that I know to focus on equation 8 in this case? And how can I tell to which original exogenous variable equation 14 refers to?


If there is no easy answer to those two questions, I would suggest to

-          add the name of the original substituted variable as a field in M_.aux_vars, which together with the type stored there should be sufficient for full identification.

-          Add the information about where the equations are appended to the Wiki (

Moreover, regarding the Wiki: could it be that there is a typo and it should be “Aux var for endogenous with lag >= 1” instead of >=2 (and the same for endogenous leads)?




Johannes Pfeifer

Haußerstr. 29

72076 Tübingen

Tel.: +49-(0)7071-6396184

Mobil.: +49-(0)170-6936820
