I already committed the change but you may revoke it back once sparse hessian is coming back from the DLL.
However, I have to say, it would have been rather more difficult to read a sparse hessian from dynamic_DLL into the k-Order perturbation.dll. I.e., for Dynare++ integration we already assume and use the plain 2D matrix hessian - I will then also need to make some changes once I know how it is going to be returned.
Best regards
George Perendia Tel.: 02072815392 Mob: 07951415480 ----- Original Message ----- From: "Sébastien Villemot" sebastien.villemot@ens.fr To: dev@dynare.org Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 1:50 PM Subject: Re: [DynareDev] Sparse Hessian
"G. Perendia" george@perendia.orangehome.co.uk a écrit :
PS: The below sparse Hessian issue occurs when one uses the use_dll option - i.e. the hessian from compiled <mod>_dynamic.dll is not sparse
the one from the matlab version <mod>_dynamic.m is.
However, the solution I suggested below works in both cases
This is indeed an old issue that I need to fix in the preprocessor. I think it is better to fix it there rather than in the M-files. I will do the fix tonight or tomorrow.
-- Sébastien Villemot
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