Hi Johannes,

I do not think that we still need these options in the estimation command. Dynare adds a constant if and only if the steady state is nonzero, we may safely remove these options. I found a related issue in the same matlab routine. In the first part of the file (line 98 in master), we define noconstant depending on the value of option prefilter:

if options_.prefilter == 1
    options_.noconstant = 1;

and noconstant is rewritten at the end… We should check that the user does not prefilter the data if the model has a nonzero steady state. We just need to set option noconstant before line 98 and issue an error message if options noconstant and prefilter are nonzero.


On 29/01/2014 17:15, Johannes Pfeifer wrote:

Dear all,

the preprocessor currently allows setting ```constant``` and ```noconstant```-options (although they are not fully documented yet).

But in ```dynare_estimation_init.m``` any such setting is automatically overwritten by:

if all(abs(oo_.steady_state(bayestopt_.mfys))<1e-9)
    options_.noconstant = 1;
    options_.noconstant = 0;

I don't really see the point of keeping the option. Rather the user should specify a correct observation equation. In that case, the current treatment should assure correct results.


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