Marco Ratto writes:
thanks a lot for you import and conversion of my SVN repository. Concerning the copyright issues you found:
- fdjac.m and optget.m seem in fact isolated: I think they can simply be eliminated;
I just removed them.
- Sampling_Function_2.m is from my colleagues: what is the problem
there? the reference to a book? or the list of JRC authors? In the latter case I think we can simply get their OK.
Yes, we need to ask permission for inclusion in Dynare, either in the public domain or under the GPL (and in the latter case, you need to ask if he wants to keep the copyright or gives it to Dynare Team).
By the way, concerning your other files, do you want to keep them in the public domain, or do you want to distribute them under the GPL (and in the latter case, do you want to keep the copyright or to give it over to Dynare Team) ? Either solution is acceptable, thought the preferred solution is GPL with (C) Dynare Team.
- LPTAU.m: this is my own translation of the original FORTRAN code of
Sobol' for quasi-MC sequence. Perhaps there is already the same QMC sequence generator in dynare?
Stéphane has a MEX file generating Sobol sequences. He is going to push it soon. You will have to adapt your code when he does.