Thanks Johannes

On 06/12/2012 09:38 AM, Johannes Pfeifer wrote:

1.       When using a beta prior with mean 0.2 and variance 0.5 as in the attached mod-file Dynare warns that the prior has two modes. Nevertheless it continues but then is unable to compute the prior distribution (everything is NaN). Shouldn’t we abort with an error message in this case?

It is indeed necessary that (1-mu)*mu > sigma^2 otherwise the natural parameters of the beta are negative and the density doesn't exist. I added the necessary test.

2.       The preprocessor warns that “Prior distribution for parameter e_R,e_g has two modes!” Would it be possible to add “corr” before “e_R,e_g”?


I made the correction





Johannes Pfeifer

Haußerstr. 29

72076 Tübingen

Tel.: +49-(0)7071-6396184

Mobil.: +49-(0)170-6936820



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