Dear all,


the attached mod-file (a potential unit test) crashes with


Reference to non-existent field 'm'.


Error in shock_decomposition (line 82)

    z(i,end,:) = eval(['oo.SmoothedVariables.' M_.endo_names(i,:)]);


Error in fs2000_smoother_selected_vars (line 211)

oo_ = shock_decomposition(M_,oo_,options_,var_list_);



The reason is that a var_list-command is passed to the file, but now there exists no previous smoother result from the estimation command from which to take the results for the other variables. I am not sure if this hints at a deeper issue in that users might have changed parameters for which to now compute the smoother, but shock_decomposition still accesses results from a previous run of estimation.


In that regard, it might also be related to







Johannes Pfeifer

Haußerstr. 29

72076 Tübingen

Tel.: +49-(0)7071-6396184

Mobil: +49-(0)170-6936820