Hi All,

Fixing ticket #93 entailed the replacement of all instances of the deprecated Matlab function strvcat() with char(). Unfortunately, these two functions are slightly different in that char() does not ignore the empty string as strvcat() does. Hence, code that initializes a character array either with '' or with [], would have all arguments beginning one space later in the array (position 2 as opposed to position 1).

You can see the difference in Matlab by doing the following.
1) charArr = []; (or charArr = '';)
2) strvcat(charArr,'a','b')
3) char(charArr,'a','b')

After creating commit a20bc07fdf99456c83fa54ccd658575c1d4baa71, I ran make check, which worked fine. However, as the change was nontrivial and touched a lot of .m files, if you have the time it would probably be best to look at the commit to see if any of your project files were effected. If they were, please check to make sure that the change does not affect the way it operates.

Please note that inherent in this commit is the assumption that no arguments to char() from positions 2:end are empty. If they are and you were relying on strvcat() to skip them, this will have to be fixed as well.
