If I should have any spare time this week, I wanted to work on https://github.com/DynareTeam/dynare/issues/811.
Looking into this has brought up several questions. If I understand correctly, the idea of moving dates and dseries into their own repositories was that they can be used as standalone programs. As such, we want to permit people who can benefit from this code to use it directly instead of having to download Dynare as a whole. In essence, we're treating them as libraries, which I think is a good idea.
But, as it's setup now, dseries is not a standalone program. In order to make it a standalone program, we'd need to add dates as a submodule of this program and probably have a configuration script that adds the dates repository to the Matlab/Octave path. At least, that's how I'd like to set up reporting: add dates and dseries as submodules to reporting so that someone could clone the reporting repository, initialize its submodules and use it as a standalone program.
Doing so would not present a problem to Dynare users as Dynare could still include a dates submodule, a dseries submodule that contains a dates submodule, and a reporting submodule that contains both a dseries and dates submodule. As long as the git clone or the git submodule init are not issued with the --recursive switch, the nested submodules will not be brought in and hence the code will not be duplicated.
Furthermore, I think we should discuss the location of submodules within Dynare. Currently, they're in several places:
1) contrib 2) matlab/utilities/tests 3) matlab/modules
This is confusing. Though I don't have a strong opinion as to the logic we should impose on the submodules we include, I believe there should be a logic. Should all external submodules be included in contrib? should all internal matlab submodules be included in matlab/modules? Should all matlab tests be included in tests/modules (matlab/utilities/tests has to be changed, in my opinion)? It would be nice if we could make a decision about the organization of the submodules within Dynare as a group so that, going forward, we have a coherent structure that does not evolve organically but rather in an organized and logical way.
Best, Houtan