I have merged Global Sensitivity Analysis toolbox (GSA) into the main Dynare repository, keeping the history of the project.
The files are now organized as follows:
- matlab/gsa: main GSA files - doc/gsa: documentation - tests/gsa: example MOD files
Concerning the documentation, I incorporated it into the build system: it should be recompiled with "make pdf" provided you have a TeX installation.
Concerning the MATLAB files:
- they are now automatically included in MATLAB path;
- we will solve the indentation problems at the next global reindentation, just before the release of Dynare 4.3;
- I began tackling copyright problems, by removing functions which had a bad copyright and were redundant with free functions provididing the same functionality (beta/gamma/gaussian CDF/quantile functions); Marco: please check commit cde4f038d74166ba016d3e10f961dc36c69afd1f for any mistake;
- there are still copyright problems which need to be solved; I opened a ticket on that (https://www.dynare.org/trac/ticket/173). Marco: please have a look at the problematic functions and see if we can find a solution (replacing them by a free one, or getting the permission from the original author to distribute its file under GPL or public domain).