Everybody on the dev@dynare.org list, please look at 3) below. I need your feedback.
Hi Marco,
1) the Sylvester-like functions are in matlab/gensylv -gensylv.m is a replacement when gensylv.dll is missing -sylvester3.m is the function that your are looking for -sylvester3a.m is an iterative refinement of the solution if you consider that the accuracy of the previous function is insufficient
2) the build_matlab problem comes from the fact that the MEX configuration for your compiler does not know option CDEBUGFLAGS= What is you compiler? What is the version of Matlab ? It is also possible that this script doesn't work with older Matalb versions.
3) thank you for this new version of mode_check. I wonder if we shouldn't change the sign and really plot the log-posterior and log-likelihood. Also, as you force the log-likelihood to intersect the log-posterior at the computed mode, it is a log-likelihood kernel (the level of the log-posterior being correct). This should be indicated in the label otherwise, it is confusing. With these changes, I believe it can become the new default for mode_check, but we need to provide an option to get the old graphs. What do the other developers think?
All the best,
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Sylverster equation Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 10:26:07 +0200 From: rattoma marco.ratto@jrc.it To: Michel Juillard michel.juillard@ens.fr References: 4A24238B.1060503@ens.fr 4A2CC2D0.10601@jrc.it
Dear Michel,
I just would like to remind you, if possible, to dig out a matlab routine for generalized Sylvester equation, so I may try to plug it with Nikolai' staff this week in Lisobon.
In themeantime I have two questions:
1) I cannot successfully run the build_matlab script in /mex/source: I get the attached error in windows. Do you have any hint? I probably miss something;
2) I am going to commit a new mode_check with the attacehd graphical layiout. Moreover, I have squeezed the actual tjhree cases with if, into one single for loop, for easier parallelization. Are you OK with this?
Many thanks for your help, best wishes Marco