Hi all,
I have converted the Dynare reference manual to the Texinfo format,
which is easier to edit than Docbook. We hope this will make easier
contributions to the reference manual.
You need to run "autoreconf" in your git repository in order to be able
to compile things again.
Documentation on this new format is on a wiki page:
Note that in translating to Texinfo, I also made the following
* there are now 2 indices at the end of the file: one for functions and
commands, the other for variables (in particular fields of "oo_")
* I updated the introduction, using the frontpage of the website
* I split the old "Solving and simulating" section into four
subsections: steady state, model checks, deterministic simulations,
stochastic simulations
* the HTML output looks better for math formulas (see the wiki page for
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