Hi Sébastien,


I don’t know if you were able to find the source of my last runtime error. Here is a similar case you should take a look at:



Dynare 4.2.5 still reports that there are 5 endogenous variables and 4 equations while 4.3 and the snapshot crash with the following output:




Configuring Dynare ...

[mex] Generalized QZ.

[mex] Sylvester equation solution.

[mex] Kronecker products.

[mex] Sparse kronecker products.

[mex] Local state space iteration (second order).

[mex] Bytecode evaluation.

[mex] k-order perturbation solver.

[mex] k-order solution simulation.

[mex] Quasi Monte-Carlo sequence (Sobol).

[mex] Markov Switching SBVAR.

Starting Dynare (version 2012-09-17).

Starting preprocessing of the model file ...

Found 4 equation(s).

Evaluating expressions...done

Computing static model derivatives:

- order 1

Computing dynamic model derivatives:

- order 1

- order 2

Computing static model derivatives:

- order 1

- order 2


This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.

Please contact the application's support team for more information.

Processing outputs ...terminate called after throwing an instance of 'SymbolTable::UnknownTypeSpecificIDException'




Johannes Pfeifer

Haußerstr. 29

72076 Tübingen

Tel.: +49-(0)7071-6396184

Mobil.: +49-(0)170-6936820
