Hi Michel,
We use subversion to keep track of all the changes... Can't we use the logs of svn to build a documentation ?
Stéphane Adjemian Université du Maine, GAINS & CEPREMAP http://www.cepremap.cnrs.fr/~adjemian
Le Saturday 06 September 2008 14:19:41 Michel Juillard, vous avez écrit :
Hi everybody,
I just realized that with all the changes that we made to the function names (distributions) and the calling sequences, we broke all code written by Dynare users and using Dynare internals.
We need to document these changes quickly on DynareWiki. We need to write a tool (perl, python, ...) that -compares two dynare versions (only /matlab/ and subdirectories) -which *.m f ile were added/deleted -extracts the function ..... line, compares the argument lists and reports differences.
Who can start working on it?
Dev mailing list Dev@dynare.org http://www.dynare.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev