FYI, here is Sebastien's code Dynare for Julia code:
On 6 Aug 2013, at 7:00 AM, Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde wrote:
> Hi
> On 8/6/13 3:47 AM, Michel Juillard wrote:
>> Hi Jesus,
>> The main question is what could be Julia's role in a project like
>> Dynare. Should we think about
>> - a replacement for Matlab, users running Dynare models from within
>> Julia?
> My first reaction would be that first option. Of course, given the base of Matlab users the transition will take quite a bit of time, but perhaps some of the basic dynare functions could be implemented in Julia as a package and see what happens.
> I know that maintaining two parallel releases (Julia and Matlab) would be costly and that Julia's future is still unclear, so I am just proposing a prototype at this moment with a very basic functionality.
>> - keep Matlab as the main user interface but using Julia as a way to develop computing intensive parts of code that is more
>> efficient than Matlab but easier to develop than C++? Then, can we
>> call Julia easily from within Matlab?
> Yes, that is other alternative. I guess that would depend on how hard is to develop C++ from your side. If the team is comfortable with C++, then it may not be worthwhile.
> On the interaction of julia and matlab
>> - make a separate Julia library of tools for DSGE modeling? Something
>> like Dynare-julia for advanced users who don't mind switching from
>> Matlab to Julia?
>> By the way, I'm currently working on an extension of the Dynare preprocessor to
>> provide a C++ versions of the functions describing a given model, a C++
>> equivalent to <modfile>.m, <modfile>_dynamic.m and <modfile>_static.m. I
>> need it for a project using Cuda and another one on Markow-Switching
>> models with Dan and Tao. I will make sure that these C++ objects load
>> easily in Julia. I will let you know progress on this front.
> Thanks! One of the advantages of julia is that it paralellizes much more easily than Matlab.....
> J
>> All the best,
>> Michel
>> Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde writes:
>>> Hi Michel
>>> I have kept working this summer in Julia.
>>> I am actually quite happy with it.
>>> For example, for a basic RBC model computed with VFI, I get a 400% speed
>>> up w.r.t my Matlab code (and that without trying to be "aggressive: in
>>> taking advantage of Julia features, it is really a nearly-literal
>>> translation of my Matlab code).
>>> I do not know what you guys at the Dynare group are thinking about this,
>>> but I would be happy to talk more about the whole issue as a potential
>>> avenue of future development.
>>> Please feel free to pass this email along
>>> Jesus
> --
> Jesús Fernández-Villaverde
> Economics-University of Pennsylvania
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