That makes sense, but I can not see
this anywhere from the code. In the parallel branch of
random_walk_metropolis_hastings.m , we have
globalVars = struct();
But nothing else is passed. In masterParallel.m we seem to call
different independent Matlab sessions that do not communicate.
But I have no clue where they get a value for
objective_function_penalty_base from.
Am 27.04.2015 um 16:19 schrieb Stéphane Adjemian:
Hi Johannes,
My understanding is that each node keeps its own instance of the globals (we run different matlab sessions that do not communicate). Also, if I remember correctly, the global variable storing the penalty, is not updated in the metropolis (it should always be equal to Inf). This variable is used for the optimization (csminwel) algorithm which is not parallelized.
Stéphane Adjemian
Université du Maine, Gains & Dynare Team
Le 27 avr. 2015 à 15:55, Johannes Pfeifer <> a écrit :
does anyone know how parallel execution works with global variables? In random_walk_metropolis_hastings.m we define at the beginning
global objective_function_penalty_base
objective_function_penalty_base = Inf;
How is this variablem treated in parallel execution. In particular, what happens if one of the instances/nodes changes this value for objective_function_penalty_base? Does this affect all other nodes? Or does each node keep its own instance of the global variable?
I would be grateful for any insights.
Johannes Pfeifer
Department of Economics
University of Mannheim
L7, 3-5, Room 242
68131 Mannheim
+49 (0)621 181-3430
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