Dear Michel,
I just fixed a bug in dyn_second_order_solver.m and pushed it to my repository. Could you please commit it and also port it to 4.3
Could you also please have a look at the file. Line 198 reads
zud=[zeros(np,M_.exo_det_nbr);dr.ghud{1};gx(:,1:npred)*hud;zeros(M_.exo_nbr, M_.exo_det_nbr);eye(M_.exo_det_nbr)];
Matlab gives me a warning that gx is used before it is defined. I think this is another bug.
Finally, there are either missing parts or the file needs cleaning. Several variables seem to be defined, but are never used:
kad, kae, n2, n4, k0 in line 86, offset, kk in line 169, Gu and Guu in lines 172-173
Johannes Pfeifer
Haußerstr. 29
72076 Tübingen
Tel.: +49-(0)7071-6396184
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