530e314786cd0d0824c06c27e653b23ecddca3f6 adding dynare command line option 'fast' in order not to recompile MEX files if the lists of variables and the equations haven't changed between two runs of the same model file.
Dynare failed to compile or MATLAB testsuite failed to run
Dynare failed to compile or Octave testsuite failed to run
A full log can be found at http://www.dynare.org/testsuite/master
Hi Marco,
could you please have a look at the attached mod-file I got from
It has a unit root and without the options_.lik_init=2 I put returns a
wrong error. Thus, I pushed https://github.com/DynareTeam/dynare/pull/922
But even when setting options_.lik_init=2, it runs, but the two
parameters phi and alpha are not identified. Having a cursory look at
the model this is strange. When adding rho_a as an estimated parameter,
suddenly phi is identified. Can such an interaction occur or is this a
bug? I though identification is about partial derivatives that are
unaffected by other estimated parameters.
Johannes Pfeifer
Department of Economics
University of Mannheim
L7, 3-5, Room 242
68131 Mannheim
+49 (0)621 181-3430