#209: check use of set_default_option()
Reporter: michel | Owner:
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: 4.3
Component: Core M-files | Version:
Keywords: |
set_default_option takes an action only if the field name doesn't exist in
options_. But, now, most options have a default value set in
global_initialization.m, so most of the calls to set_default_option are
useless and may, sometimes, not produce the desired results.
Ticket URL: <https://www.dynare.org/trac/ticket/209>
Dynare <http://www.dynare.org>
The Dynare project
#262: unify names for maxit options
Reporter: michel | Owner: michel
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: 5.0
Component: Block decomposition | Version:
Keywords: |
Several functions need an optional maximum number of iterations. There is
currently no unified name style for these options.
Until now, we tried to have exactly the same name for the option in the
language and the options_ fieldname.
In that case, I wonder if we should not have always maxit in the language
and specialized the fieldname with a reference to the function. For
maxit in steady -> options_.solve_maxit
Ticket URL: <https://www.dynare.org/trac/ticket/262>
Dynare <http://www.dynare.org>
The Dynare project
#160: Add derivatives of static model w.r.t. parameters
Reporter: sebastien | Owner: sebastien
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: minor | Milestone: 4.3
Component: Preprocessor | Version:
Keywords: |
Currently, the derivatives of the static model w.r.t. parameters are
computed using the derivatives of the dynamic model w.r.t. parameters.
It would be more convenient to provide directly these derivatives.
Ticket URL: <https://www.dynare.org/trac/ticket/160>
Dynare <http://www.dynare.org>
The Dynare project
#263: latex variable with exponent causes compilation error
Reporter: houtanb | Owner: sebastien
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: minor | Milestone: 5.0
Component: Preprocessor | Version: 4.3.0
Keywords: |
See: http://www.dynare.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3846
Quick fix is to require users to place brackets around latex
variables containing exponents (and probably underscores)
Complete fix is to place braces around variables with lead/lags and those
variables with no lead/lag but that are followed by an exponent. In the
user's case, we would output: {B^{problem}_{t-1}}^{\rho}
Ticket URL: <https://www.dynare.org/trac/ticket/263>
Dynare <http://www.dynare.org>
The Dynare project
#267: design an interface for assigning moment/irf contraints (e.g. sign
Reporter: ratto | Owner: sebastien
Type: feature | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: 5.0
Component: Identification and sensitivity analysis | Version:
Keywords: |
Currently there is no way of setting a set of constraints to irfs or
moments of DSGE model to feed to some calibration procedure like Monte
Carlo filtering in the sensitivity analysis toolbox.
Indeed the threshold_redform option in sensitivity analysis would only
allow to set, e.g., the SAME sign constraint to a set of irfs, which is
not very handy.
So, we may think to the following syntax for sign constraints in moments:
y, y(-1), +; [i.e. auto-correlation with 1 lag]
c, g(-3), +; [i.e. auto-correlation with generic lags]
i, g, -; [i.e. cross-correlation, contemporaneous]
for irfs [y c i are endogenous, em eg are exogenous shocks]:
y, em, -;
c, eg, +;
i, eg, -;
or the following for more detailed numeric boundaries, in principle mixed
with simple sign constraints
y, y(-1), [0.5 1]; [auto-correlation with 1 lag]
c, g(-3), +; [auto-correlation with generic lags]
i, g, [-1, -0.5]; [cross-correlation, contemporaneous]
y, em, [-0.01 0];
c, eg, [0 0.02];
i, eg, -;
The sign constraint can also be defined using
[0 inf] for +
[-inf 0] for -
Ticket URL: <https://www.dynare.org/trac/ticket/267>
Dynare <http://www.dynare.org>
The Dynare project
#141: Replace strmatch which is a deprecated function in Matlab
Reporter: houtanb | Owner:
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone:
Component: Core M-files | Version:
Keywords: |
Use strncmp instead, which has a different return type
Ticket URL: <https://www.dynare.org/trac/ticket/141>
Dynare <http://www.dynare.org>
The Dynare project
#266: allow inf in threshold redform option of sensitivity analysis
Reporter: ratto | Owner: ratto
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: 5.0
Component: Identification and sensitivity analysis | Version: 4.3.0
Keywords: |
Currently, only real numbers are accepted by the option
threshold_redform of the sensitivity toolbox.
However, it would be handful to allow inf as input, e.g. if one wants to
filter positive numbers in an irf, one would like to use a syntax [0 inf].
Ticket URL: <https://www.dynare.org/trac/ticket/266>
Dynare <http://www.dynare.org>
The Dynare project
#261: Option to require that all endo/exo are initialized in initval
Reporter: sebastien | Owner: sebastien
Type: feature | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: 5.0
Component: Preprocessor | Version:
Keywords: |
Implement a new option to initval command, "all_values_required". The
preprocessor would stop and reports which endogenous or exogenous variable
has not been explicitly initialized if any (instead of using a default
zero value).
Request from the IMF for GIMF
Ticket URL: <https://www.dynare.org/trac/ticket/261>
Dynare <http://www.dynare.org>
The Dynare project
#240: rewrite getPowerDeriv assignments in temporary terms
Reporter: houtanb | Owner: houtanb
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: 4.3
Component: Preprocessor | Version:
Keywords: |
From Stephane:
In models with power functions of the form x**a (utility functions,
production functions, agregation functions, quadratic costs, ...) the
evaluation of the jacobian matrix (or higher order derivates)
necessitate potentially a huge number of calls to the routine
getPowerDeriv (the name of the routine is explicit enough). In my
example (a real business cycle model with perfect foresight) most of the
time is spent in this routine, while, if my understanding is correct,
this is not necessary because x>0.
I wrote a mex file (see the new branch called mex-!GetPowerDeriv) as a
replacement for the matlab routine, unfortunatly the overhead cost is so
high that the use of the mex file increases the total time of execution!
In my case I resolved the issue by using option use_dll, but this is not a
solution for the majority of our users (they would have to install
cygwin/gcc and configure matlab/mex). So my question is: Do we really
need to call this routine in all situations ? Would it not be possible
to replace calls to this routine by something like:
if (abs(x)>1e-12)
tmp = 0;
Ticket URL: <https://www.dynare.org/trac/ticket/240>
Dynare <http://www.dynare.org>
The Dynare project