This is indeed disapointing. Could you profile the code for your
experiments 3) and 4)
in order to try to understand where is the C++ filter at a disadvantage.
You probably need to write a main program in C++ setting up the matrices
in order to profile the C++ code.
If we can't write a C++ filter than runs faster than Matlab, there is no
point in trying to write a C++ estimation DLL.
All the best,
G. Perendia wrote:
> Dear Michel
> Results of run lapse time using etime(clock,t) are rather surprising and
> very disappointing (I had to repeat some in a sheer disbelief) - far the
> best is Matlab Dynare kalman_filter.m (even after applying some refactoring
> of the kalman.cpp's deep inner loop, not applied to all DLL tests yet)!!!.
> Timing tests on Pentium 2.4 GHz
> 1)calling Kalman_filters.m in the 10000 loop, itself calling the optimised
> version of DLL with preparation of H and Z matrices in each loop:
> total_dll_time = 202.7320
> 2)calling core optimised version of Kalman_filter_dll in the 10000 loop
> after (i.e., loop without) preparation of H&Z matrices in kalman_filters.m:
> core_dll_time= = 1st run: 172.5890 2nd run: 195.0500 at ~93% of CPU time
> 3)calling the Kalman_filter_loop.dll with its own inner 10000 loop from
> kalman_filters.m (including the one-off call time)
> innrloop_dll_time = 1st run 197.8640 2nd run: 192.5970
> 3rd run (after some refactoring of the kalman.cpp filter deep inner loop
> not yet used in other DLL tests): 184.9760
> 4)calling Dynare SVN kalman_filter.m in 10000 loop
> matlabKF_time = 1st run: 48.9600 2nd run: 48.4600
> 5) for a comparison and sanity check: calling Kalman_filters running the
> debug version of DLL in the 10000 loop
> dbug total_dll_time=etime(clock, t) = 642.4140 running at ~93% of CPU time
> It is possible that using proper, optimised lapack and BLAS may give a
> better performance for C++. (NOTE: the DLLs used Matlab lapack and blas
> libraries.)
> Shall I nevertheless continue with the C++ version of DsgeLikelihood as
> planned or try to revise the performance tests first?
> Best regards
> George
> artilogica(a)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michel Juillard" <michel.juillard(a)>
> To: "G. Perendia" <george(a)>
> Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 10:32 AM
> Subject: Re: [DynareDev] Kalman Filter
>> Thanks George, now it is clear. I'm also interested by a timing
>> comparison. Could you time
>> a) 10'000 calls to the Matlab filter routine
>> b) 10'000 calls to the C++ filter routine
>> c) add the 10'000 loop inside the DLL and time one call to this modified
>> function.
>> I guess after that we should pass to the coding in C++ of DsgeLikelihood.m
>> All the best,
>> Michel
>> G. Perendia wrote:
>>> Dear Michel
>>> No, I do not think there is additional problem (other than with Diffuse
>>> Likelihood*.m files when if used) or that correction was not sufficient.
>>> Over the weekend I was just trying full 1st stage estimation with a
> model we
>>> use for Part Info, with and without the corrections, which just shows
> the
>>> scale of the effect of the log likelihood calculation error (now
> properly
>>> corrected for the SVN likelihood files) . As you can see in the .rtf
> file,
>>> in the few of the tests with SVN version (using
> /likelihood/kalman.filter.m)
>>> I used your new code too, but for comparing results in older versions of
>>> Dynare- v4.0.2 and 4.0.3 - (using Diffuse Likelihood1.m), I used my
> quick
>>> fix applied to the 4.02 DiffuseLikelihod*.m that I also enclosed.
>>> Also, some additional tests I did over the weekend show that, after the
>>> correction, Dynare now reports estimates more comparable to the new Part
>>> Info method than before the correction, also proving that the correction
>>> works !
>>> As you suggested, I run a test of your new correction that can be
> compared
>>> to C++ and, for the test model I used, F converges at t=3 (start is 41),
> and
>>> your new kalman_filter.m code gives total
>>> LIK=1640935.5855619563
>>> which is virtually the same as C++ and the quick fix for Diffuse
> Likelihood
>>> I tested last week (requoted from below):
>>>>>>> the reported likelihood for presample=40 from (quick
>>> fix) Matlab KF
>>>>>>> 1640935.5855267849
>>>>>>> which is nearly the same as that from C++ KF below:
>>>>>>> 1640935.5854489324
>>> Let me know if you want me to run more tests or work on correcting any
> other
>>> Dynare Matlab code!
>>> Best regards
>>> George
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Michel Juillard" <michel.juillard(a)>
>>> To: "G. Perendia" <george(a)>
>>> Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 9:08 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [DynareDev] Kalman Filter
>>>> Dear George,
>>>> I'm a bit confused. We agreed that all the versions of Kalman
>>>> likelihood, both in ./matlab and in ./matlab/kalman/likelihood were
>>>> wrong when presample was larger than the period where the filter
> reaches
>>>> its stationary state. So I don't see the point in still using this code
>>>> for testing.
>>>> the code in matlab/kalman/likelihood was corrected last Wednesday on
>>>> r2007
>>>> Do you have reasons to believe that the correction wasn't sufficient?
> Or
>>>> is there another source of discrepancy between the Matlab code and the
>>>> C++ code?
>>>> Before comparing results of entire estimation procedures, we have to
>>>> make sure that all the outputs from the Matlab and C++ functions with
>>>> the same inputs are close enough.
>>>> Note that we still have to correct DsgeLikelihood_hh.m that calls the
>>>> obsolete DiffuseLikelihood*.m routines instead of the ones in
>>>> kalman/likelihood
>>>> Then we should just remove the DiffuseLikelihood*.m functions
>>>> Best
>>>> Michel
>>>> G. Perendia wrote:
>>>>> Dear Michel
>>>>> Problem and discrepancies with log likelihood calculation with
>>> presampling
>>>>> (start>1) is something I have been encountering for some time (i.e.
> few
>>>>> weeks) already , whilst doing some tests for the new partial
> information
>>>>> kalman estimation, but, expecting that the problem is in the new
> Partial
>>>>> info code, I did not get to the bottom of the cause until I
> encountered
>>>>> discrepancy between the C++ KF (modified to handle presampling
> properly)
>>> and
>>>>> the Dynare KF too. It was that second discrepancy that led me to
> analyse
>>>>> Dynare KF handling of presampling and to find the problem there.
>>>>> I did some more preliminary tests yesterday with the older and the
>>> latest
>>>>> SVN versions of Dynare, without and with the correction (including
>>>>> correction using the fix based around the min() function I initially
>>>>> suggested and now applied as a quick fix to the older
>>> DiffuseLikelihood1.m)
>>>>> and the estimation results with and without correction are
> significantly
>>>>> different as can be seen from the enclosed rtf document which uses two
>>> very
>>>>> similar models, (i.e. one with gamma>0 the other with gamma=0), to
>>> compare
>>>>> the results (also very similar to the one I sent to Stephane).
>>>>> Although the initial calculations of log-likelihood ("Initial value of
>>> the
>>>>> log posterior (or likelihood): ") are same, (i.e. when reste is 0 or
>>> very
>>>>> small), it appears that the differences builds up during the
> estimation
>>> as
>>>>> the kalman filter cov matrix start to converges earlier and earlier,
>>>>> eventually before the given presample start is reached, as the later
> in
>>> the
>>>>> ML and estimation error minimisation we are (and probably throughout
> the
>>>>> MCMC estimation process), when the parameters get close to the mode
>>>>> (especially if the parameter priors were taken from previously
> estimated
>>>>> posteriors as is the case with the test models I used).
>>>>> (I did not yet run MCMC due to estimation failing with the chol()
>>>>> non-positive definite error so I would need to change starting
> values.)
>>>>> Let me know if you would like me to develop and perform more
> structured
>>>>> tests on a large range of models.
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> George
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Michel Juillard" <michel.juillard(a)>
>>>>> To: "List for Dynare developers" <dev(a)>
>>>>> Cc: "G. Perendia" <george(a)>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 12:16 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [DynareDev] Kalman Filter
>>>>>> In fact the discrepancy found by George occurs only for start ~= 1
>>>>>> So it is clearly related to the handling of the constants.
>>>>>> Best
>>>>>> Michel
>>>>>> Stéphane Adjemian wrote:
>>>>>>> George, Can you share your example. In my experience (with medium
>>>>>>> scaled models) it takes much more iterations to get to the steady
>>>>>>> state kalman filter...
>>>>>>> I didn't look at the cc codes, but one possible source of
> discrepancy
>>>>>>> between matlab and cc may be the steady state KF criterion. I test
> for
>>>>>>> the stationarity of KF considering the changes in the biggest
> elements
>>>>>>> of the Kalman Gain matrix, not the changes in the determinant of the
>>>>>>> forecast errors covariance matrix...
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Stéphane.
>>>>>>> 2009/5/27 G. Perendia <george(a)
>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>> 1. In my experience, the filter cov. determinants dF becomes
>>>>>>> stationary after several steps (5-10), e.g. 7
>>>>>>> and number of periods the filter is stationary is
>>>>>>> reste=smpl-7
>>>>>>> whilst, if start =41 (presample=40) than reste is then larger
> than
>>>>>>> smpl -start+1=smpl-40.
>>>>>>> 2. it is not problematic to add all the determinants at once in
>>>>>>> the last period of the stationary filter
>>>>>>> as long as we subtract from the total sum
>>>>>>> start-1-(smpl-reste) = 41 -1 -(smpl-smpl+7)=33
>>>>>>> determinants, or, add only
>>>>>>> min(reste,(smpl-start+1))
>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>> George
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> *From:* Stéphane Adjemian
> <>
>>>>>>> *To:* List for Dynare developers <>
>>>>>>> *Cc:* G. Perendia <>
>>>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 27, 2009 11:04 AM
>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [DynareDev] Kalman Filter
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I agree, the matlab code is very unclear (even if I had fun
>>>>>>> writting it this way ;-) and prone to errors if one uses the
>>>>>>> vector lik (Marco is using it). I would rather prefer to add
>>>>>>> the constants outside of the loop with a (sub)vector
>>>>>>> operation, this should be more efficient. I will do it today
>>>>>>> or tomorrow.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Stéphane.
>>>>>>> 2009/5/27 Michel Juillard <michel.juillard(a)
>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>> On closer inspection, I don't think that the expression
>>>>>>> pointed by George in kalman_filter.m is wrong:
>>>>>>> 1. reste = smpl-t or the number of periods during which
>>>>>>> the filter is stationary. This shouldn't be larger than
>>>>>>> T-start+1
>>>>>>> 2. it is problematic (see below) but not wrong to add
> all
>>>>>>> the determinants at once in the last period of the
>>>>>>> stationary filter
>>>>>>> 3. I don't think this explains the difference with the
> C++
>>>>>>> version of the filter and we still have to look for it.
>>>>>>> 4. it remains that the current code is very unclear and
>>>>>>> that if LIK is correct the vector lik doesn't have the
>>>>>>> correct constants on each elements.
>>>>>>> 5. I would like to simplify the code and add the correct
>>>>>>> constant to each element of the lik vector. It would be
> a
>>>>>>> little bit less efficient in Matlab than the current
> code,
>>>>>>> but I doubt it would be noticeable.
>>>>>>> Stephane, what do you think?
>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>> Michel
>>>>>>> G. Perendia wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Michel
>>>>>>> I think I found an error in Dynare Matlab
>>>>>>> kalman_filter. suite of utilities
>>>>>>> which affects the likelihood LIK results with
> start>1
>>>>>>> (i.e. presampling>0):
>>>>>>> the calculation speed-up construct which relies on
>>>>>>> converged covariance
>>>>>>> matrix
>>>>>>> lik(t) = lik(t) + reste*log(dF);
>>>>>>> adds reste * log(dF) to the last-1 (i.e. the smpl)
>>>>>>> member of lik
>>>>>>> (the last, the lik(smpl+1) one contains
>>>>> smpl*pp*log(2*pi))
>>>>>>> but reste is usually larger than T-start+1 so that
>>>>>>> LIK =
>>>>> .5*(sum(lik(start:end))-(start-1)*lik(smpl+1)/smpl)
>>>>>>> has much more log(dF)s added than required since
> they
>>>>>>> are all concentrated
>>>>>>> in the last-1 (the T) member
>>>>>>> For example, if I change the above construct to
>>>>>>> lik(t) = lik(t) + min(reste,(smpl-start+1))*log(dF);
>>>>>>> the reported likelihood for presample=40 from Matlab
>>> KF
>>>>> is
>>>>>>> 1640935.5855267849
>>>>>>> which is nearly the same as that from C++ KF below:
>>>>>>> 1640935.5854489324
>>>>>>> Shall I make changes to kalman/likelihood/ KFs and
>>>>>>> upload the .m files?
>>>>>>> This problem affects also the older versions of
>>>>>>> DiffuseLikelihood**.m too.
>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>> George
>>>>>>> artilogica(a)
>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Michel Juillard"
>>>>>>> <michel.juillard(a)
>>> <>>
>>>>>>> To: "G. Perendia" <george(a)
>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 10:32 AM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Kalman Filter+PS
>>>>>>> Hi George,
>>>>>>> Re 1) below:
>>>>>>> I modified C++ KF so that it reports
>>>>>>> log-likelihood for given
>>>>>>> start/preampling in same/similar manner as
> the
>>>>>>> Matlab KFs do and I am
>>>>>>> getting approximately close results, e.g.
>>>>>>> ll= -1640935.5854489324 for C++ and
>>>>>>> (-) 1640482.4179242959 for Matlab KF (for
>>>>>>> start=41, i.e.
>>>>>>> presample=40).
>>>>>>> whilst they appear same for presample=0
>>>>>>> (e.g.2.5906e+006), i.e.
>>>>>>> -2590556.989730841 vs
>>>>>>> 2590556.989778722
>>>>>>> Are those results acceptably close or should
> I
>>>>>>> investigate further where
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> above difference may come form?
>>>>>>> This indicates a problem . The difference should
>>>>>>> be the same with and
>>>>>>> without presample. It may come from the
>>>>>>> computation of the likelihood
>>>>>>> constant. This is done in a very obscure manner
> in
>>>>>>> Dynare Matlab.
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>>>>>>> Stéphane Adjemian
>>>>>>> CEPREMAP & Université du Maine
>>>>>>> Tel: (33)1-43-13-62-39
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>>>>>>> CEPREMAP & Université du Maine
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