Hi George,
1) on which page of the Wiki is the faulty mexopt.bat? Chances are that
I put it there, but at the moment I don't remember where it is.
2) What is the fix for spaces in the pathname? Where should be added
quotes? Single quotes or double quotes?
Thanks for you help
G. Perendia wrote:
> Dear Michel
> I spent the afternoon trying to build the new release pre-processor and mex
> files using build_matlab. but have to admit, without success. I will have to
> use the pre-processor and dlls from the latest release 4..0.2 to test AIM
> and I will deal with the build at some point later if that is OK.
> For start, MSVC would not work with .cc files and MinGW gcc fails in my
> environment on Windows XP because paths with placements and spaces specified
> in mexopt.bat from DynareWiki are not resolved properly, e.g
> gcc: C:DOCUME~1SculptorLOCALS~1Tempisopenmp.obj: No such file or directory
> In meantime, I resolved the issues with the spaces, i.e.
> gcc: C:\Program: No such file or directory
> gcc: Files\MATLAB_SV71\extern\lib\win32\microsoft\libmex.lib: No such file
> or directory
> gcc: C:\Program: No such file or directory
> due to missing quotations but can not enclose modified mexopt.bat as is but
> had to rename it as my server provider is refusing to accept a .bat file in
> Best regards
> George
> Mob. +44(0)7951415480
> artilogica(a)btconnect.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "G. Perendia" <george(a)perendia.orangehome.co.uk>
> To: "Michel Juillard" <michel.juillard(a)ens.fr>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 1:45 PM
> Subject: Re: AIM solver
>> Hi Michel
>> Thanks for fixing the problem with that elegant flipud/cumsum construct
> and,
>> yes, I will test it .
>> Best regards
>> George
>> artilogica(a)btconnect.com
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Michel Juillard" <michel.juillard(a)ens.fr>
>> To: "G. Perendia" <george(a)perendia.orangehome.co.uk>; "Sébastien Villemot"
>> <sebastien.villemot(a)ens.fr>
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 1:29 PM
>> Subject: AIM solver
>>> Hi George,
>>> as you saw I fixed a problem in the implementation of AIM solver when
>>> some variabls have zero coefficients. The column in bb_ord is then
>>> empty, but Dynare expect a column there.
>>> Concerning AIM, could you please build 5 test cases:
>>> 1) model with leads and lags on one period
>>> 2) model with leads and lags on several periods
>>> 3) model with leads and lags on several periods, but with holes: a
>>> variable is present at t-1 and t-3, but not at t-2
>>> 4) model with only leads
>>> 5) model with only lags
>>> One set of *.mod files should solve it with mjdgges, another set should
>>> use AIM. Add please at the end of those a comparison for dr.ghx and
>>> dr.ghu between the AIM solution and the mjdgges version. Please, create
>>> a directory AIM in trunk/tests and upload these files.
>>> Thanks in advance and all the best,
>>> Michel