Dynare Summer School 2024

Posted on 01 February 2024

The Dynare Summer School 2024 will take place in person from May 27 to May 31, 2024. The event will be hosted by École Normale Supérieure (Paris).

Goals of the Summer School

The school will provide an introduction to Dynare and to Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) modeling.

The course will focus on simulation and estimation of DSGE models with Dynare. The school will also be an opportunity to introduce new features in Dynare 6.

This Summer school is aimed at beginners as well as at more experienced researchers. PhD students are encouraged to participate. Time will be devoted to the (Dynare related) problems encountered by students in their research.


Interested people should apply by sending an email to school@dynare.org.

Application should be done no later than March 17, 2024. You will have to attach a CV and a recent research paper (please only send PDFs). We will confirm acceptance the following week (no later than March 22th, 2024).

Registration Fee

Registration fee (including lunches, coffee breaks and one diner): € 400 for academics and € 1800 for institutional members.

Workshop Animators

This workshop is organized with the support of Banque de France, CEPREMAP, and DSGE-net.

Preliminary program

Will be available soon.


École Normale Supérieure
48 boulevard Jourdan
75014 Paris

Social event

On Thursday evening, after a visit to the most famous museum of Impressionist painters in Paris, there will be a dinner at the Musée d’Orsay.

Workshop Organization

This is a laptop only workshop. Each participant is required to come with their laptop with MATLAB R2018b or later installed. We will provide WiFi access, but participants shouldn’t rely on it to access a MATLAB license server at their own institution. As an alternative to MATLAB, it is possible to use GNU Octave (free software, compatible with MATLAB syntax).