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In a Nutshell

Ease of Use

Write your model almost as you would on paper and Dynare will take care of the rest!


Dynare can handle a wide range of macroeconomic models: DSGE, OLG, perfect foresight, … find out more.


Use Dynare to solve and estimate your model, compute optimal policy, perform identification and sensitivity analysis, and more!


Dynare is free and open-source software and most of the source files are covered by the GNU General Public Licence version 3 or later.


We organize a Summer School and a Conference every year (applications every Spring) and you can use the Forum year-round.


Dynare runs on top of MATLAB, GNU Octave, and Julia!

Latest News

4th Dynare Workshop for Advanced Users

28 February 2025

The workshop will take place in person from Wednesday to Friday 17-19 September 2025. The event will be hosted by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra (IT).

Dynare 6.3 Released

20 February 2025

We are pleased to announce the release of Dynare 6.3.

Dynare Conference 2025

06 February 2025

The 19th Annual Dynare Conference will be held in person in Helsinki, Finland on June 5-6, 2025. The conference is organized by the Bank of Finland together with DSGE-net, and the Dynare project at CEPREMAP. The conference’s special theme is Heterogeneity and Nonlinearities in Macroeconomics. The keynote speakers will be Matteo Iacoviello (Federal Reserve Board) and Leonardo Melosi (European University Institute).

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Supported by

Dynare is hosted by CEPREMAP, receives sponsorship from DSGE-net, and is under the umbrella of projects with fiscal sponsorship by NumFOCUS.

Current financial support provided by contracts with the European Central Bank, the Banque de France, and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre.